Dewch gwelwch y preseb a chofiwch yr awr

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,2,7,8.
(Duw yn natur Dyn)
Dewch, gwelwch y preseb,
    a chofiwch yr awr,
Disgynodd Creawdwr y nefoedd i lawr
  Doed Saint a Cherubiaid,
      a chanant yn un,
  I'w Crëwr am wisgo
      naturiaeth y dyn.

Cymerodd fabandod, cymerodd ein poen,
Fe ddug ein doluriau
    mor wirion a'r oen:
  Dyoddefodd ein tlodi,
      gorchfygodd ein câs,
  Fe aeth â'n calonau o'r ddaear i ma's.

Dyosgwyd ei wisgoedd e'
    brenin y ne',
O watwar rho'w'd mantell
    o scarlet i'w lle,
  Rho'w'd iddo'n dwyrn-wialen,
      ryw gorsen las fain,
  Fe wisgodd ei goryn ef goron o ddrain.

Fe'i holwyd e'n galed
    ni's ca'w'd ynndo fai,
Yn eirwir yn ffyddlon 'roedd fyth yn parhau,
  Fe hoeliwyd ei ddwylaw,
      fe hoeliwyd ei draed,
  Fe redodd o'i ystlys ef ddwfr a gwaed.

Yn awr fe orphenodd fe grymodd ei ben,
Mae heddyw'n perch'nogi'r
    holl ddaear a'r nen,
  Mae'r meir'w cyfodi,
      fe gongc'rodd y bedd,
  Gwnaeth feibion digofaint
      yn feibion o hedd.

Mae angeu mewn cadwyn
    ni's gall ef ro'i clwy',
'Does elyn all fostio
    ei gongcwest byth mwy;
  Ni all satan er cryfed
      er called yw ef,
  I rwystro credadyn y llesgaf i'r nef.

Sêr dysglaer y boreu,
    wel bellach na thewch,
Rhyfeddod a newydd ar fyrder chwi gwewch;
  Fe goda plant dynion
      o'r ddaear yn fyw,
  Cawn draphlith a chwithau
      byth ganmawl ein Duw.

Wel bellach, dechreuwn,
    mae'n ddigon o bryd,
I ganu caniadau Iachawdwr y byd;
  Efe wnaeth y cwbl,
      Efe bia'r clod,
  Bydd moliant i'w enw
      tra'r nefoedd yn bod.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn []: Geard (Thomas Walker)

  Mae'n bryd i ni ganu ni gawsom y fraint

(God in the nature of Man)
Come, see ye the manger,
    and remember the hour,
The Creator of the heavens descended down
  Let saints and cherubim come,
      and sing as one,
  To their Creator for wearing
      the nature of man.

He took babyhood, he took our pain,
He bore our sorrows
    as innocently as the lamb:
  He suffered our poverty,
      he overcame our enemy,
  He took our hearts out from the earth.

He took off his garments
    as the king of heaven,
In scorn he was given a cloak
    of scarlet in their place,
  A sceptre of some green reed
      was given to him,
  His head's crown wore a crown of thorns.

He was questioned harshly,
   no fault was found in him,
Truly faithful he would ever be,
  His hands were nailed,
      his feet were nailed,
  From his side ran water and blood.

Now it was finished he bowed his head,
Today he is the possessor of the
    whole earth and the sky,
  The dead are rising,
      he conquered the grave,
  He made the sons of wrath
      the sons of peace.

Death is in a chain
    it cannot give its wound,
No enemy can boast
    his conquest ever again;
  Satan cannot, despite how strong,
      despite how crafty he is,
  Keep the weakest believer from heaven.

Ye radiant stars of the morning,
    see now, be not silent,
A wonder and news ye shortly shall get;
  The children of men shall rise
      from the earth alive,
  We may, amongst you,
      forever extol our God.

See now, let us begin,
    it is high time,
To sing the songs of the world's Saviour;
  He did it all,
      to him belongs the acclaim,
  Praise be to his name
      while ever the heavens endure.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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